Is abortion ever okay? What does it mean to be a BOY? Was I born in the wrong body? What is the PURPOSE of life? Why does God let me suffer?! Am I loved?
— Every kid

Your kids will have questions.

Great questions deserve great answers.

The answer to every question must honor the God-given dignity of every human person.

Let’s get started!

Our Tools

Address difficult but necessary conversations. The culture exposes our children to issues that deny the dignity of the human person. Their questions deserve life-affirming answers.

Use age-appropriate verbiage. Words matter. Our content, from elementary age up, gently plants seeds of faith, life-affirming language, and theological understanding.

Honor parents as the most important teachers. As a parent, you are your child’s primary educator. Our tools assist you in your holy work of parenthood.

Are faithful to the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church. Our content explores the truth of God’s design for love and life. The Church leads us in this work as Mother and Teacher.

Are a gift for YOU! Our resources are created for you to use within your domestic church and to share with others.

Our Mission Field: The domestic church

The Pelican Project concentrates on the role of parenthood and God's desire for the domestic church to lead the way in building a cohesive moral vision that promotes and protects the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death.

Our tools are designed to be used within the day-to-day of family life. It is the sanctuary of the home where a child first grows in faith and knowledge of God’s design for love and life.

Our prayer is that we raise children who feel so seen, known, and loved by God that they confidently enter into the world ready to share, promote, and defend the truth of life’s precious worth in all that they do.

Exploring Our Tools

Pray, Grow, & Serve

Consistency builds good habits! Following the liturgical cycle, this weekly devotional equips your family to pray, grow, & serve together. Parent devotional with children’s PDF that can be used throughout the week.

Toolbox—Digital Resources

The “go-to” for your child’s specific questions! Here, our digital resources are organized by type and topic addressing the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

Dignity Bundles

Our dignity bundles pull together content across the site that address specific LIFE issues through a multi-layered approach. A great resource for Pelican Gatherings within parish communities.


Pull up a chair to our table! Join Kelly and Crystal as they talk about the joys of teaching their children about the Catholic faith and the dignity of LIFE in today's (not so easy) culture. Available on most platforms!

“The first step in education is learning to recognize the Creator’s image in man, and consequently learning to have a profound respect for every human being and helping others to live a life consonant with this supreme dignity.” Pope Benedict XVI

I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!

Connect with our community by receiving our weekly Pray, Grow, & Serve devotional and be the first to know about our latest resources!

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